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Managers Only Meeting - Mental Health and Burnout

Mental Health and Burnout

Thursday, November 21, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (PST)

November 2024 MOM

Event Details

Mental Health and Burnout

Burnout is something that community managers wrestle with continually these days. Increasing demands on their time, additional regulatory compliance, a societal decline in politeness, and pressure to get more done in less time, have all contributed to manager burnout. This class will begin with a discussion of happiness and how important it is to separate unrealized happiness from burnout. In this manner, we can solve for the right problem, whether it is unrealized happiness or burnout. We will then discuss the six common causes of burnout in community managers and offer solutions to address each of them. There will also be a discussion on the differences causing burnout between a new manager and a seasoned management professional. 

This course is approved by Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) to fulfill continuing education requirements for the CMCA® certification.



David Graf, Esq., CCAL

David is one of the most sought-after community association industry trainers and speakers in the United States. He is a national faculty member of the Community Associations Institute’s Professional Management Development Program (“PMDP”) and travels throughout the United States to facilitate multi-day corporate trainings for professional community managers. David is a member of the PMDP national faculty review panel, which reviews faculty conduct and training standards for all PMDP national faculty. In 2015, he was named CAI’s National Educator of the Year.

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