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Educational Webinars for all members

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion All-Member Event

Thursday, August 1, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (PDT)

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Event Details

Join Noelle Hicks for information and dialogue on topics centered around diversity, equity, and inclusion. The material may cover racism, mental health, and the impacts each has on the communities we live within and serve. 

Brought to you by our sponsors, and the WSCAI DEIB Committee.

Thank you Sponsors!

This course is approved by Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) to fulfill continuing education requirements for the CMCA® certification.



Noelle G. Hicks is a Shareholder in both the Property Owners Association Law Section and Litigation Section of RMWBH. Noelle assists single-family residential, townhome, condominium, and some commercial associations with various aspects of property owners’ association law including the collection of delinquent assessments, complex deed restriction enforcement issues, developing and interpreting governing documents and drafting and reviewing contracts. In addition, she works with her association clients on various issues such as ensuring compliance with state and federal laws, attending administrative hearings, 209 hearings and board meetings on behalf of her clients.

Noelle’s efforts in the industry have been featured by CAI including forming the basis for CAI’s Diverse and Inclusive Communities Guide. Her manuscript on “Overcoming Racism in Community Associations: Attorneys as Agents of Change” was awarded Best Manuscript at the 2021 CAI National Law Seminar. Noelle was awarded Best Manuscript in 2022 for her publication entitled, Tackling Mental Health Issues in Community Associations. The content of this manuscript was converted into a digital book entitled, Minding Mental Illness - A Guide to Handling Conflicts with Residents, published by CAI.  Noelle is a member of the Texas Bar College. She received her bachelor's degree from Trinity University in 2005 and her Juris Doctorate from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University in 2008.