Mediation Services

What is Mediation

Mediation is a private, confidential, and inexpensive way for parties to resolve disputes.  

In mediation, the participants mutually seek to resolve their differences using the services of a trained, neutral, third-party mediator. 

Download the Intake Form to Begin the Mediation Process

Why Use the Service?

assisted dispute resolution mediation washington hoa

The parties do not waive any rights if they cannot agree, and only resolve their dispute if they voluntarily reach an agreement.
  1. Resolutions created voluntarily through mediation are historically more lasting and durable than those imposed by a court.

  2. Mediation can be scheduled and completed more quickly and efficiently than litigation or arbitration. 

  3. Facilitative mediation is far more affordable than litigation or arbitration.

  4. The mediation process is designed to build voluntary agreement among the participants instead of hardening adversarial positions, which in general is a consequence of formal litigation.

  5. It can help to restore good working relations between neighbors who will have a continuing relationship.

  6. Mediation has the potential to improve the parties’ understanding and mutual respect, even if an agreement cannot be reached at the present time.

Communities & Persons Served

  • common interest community associations
  • HOA/COA board members, owners, occupants, managers, and vendors
  • single-family homeowner associations
  • condominiums
  • cooperatives
  • master and sub-associations
  • WSCAI members and non-members
  • ALL of Washington state
Our HOA board was invited by a homeowner to participate in a mediation offered through WSCAI. The mutual goal was to bring about understanding and improve communication between the Board and homeowner. Our amazing mediator was professional, tactful, caring, and genuinely interested in our outcome. I cannot say enough about the process and the talent required to facilitate a positive result. Bravo to our mediator and to WSCAI; thank you for providing an alternative to litigation.

~ Mediation Client

How Does It Work? — 5 Steps

  1. The parties each agree to use the service, complete their individual intake forms, and each pay their portion of the mediation program fee.

  2. WSCAI assigns a mediator. The mediator will communicate with the parties concerning scheduling. The mediation will typically be set within 30 days.

  3. Mediation in-person is preferable but may be be conducted virtually through a remote communication platform if appropriate due to travel distance.

  4. The mediator will use the information provided on the intake form and during the mediation process to facilitate dialogue between the parties. 
    The mediator will work to assist the parties to resolve their differences and to agree to a mutually acceptable resolution.
  5. The agreement will then be put in writing and signed by the participants.

Who Attends the Mediation?

Only the individuals directly involved in the dispute and the neutral mediator attend the mediation. The WSCAI mediation program works without attorneys speaking for the participants and without attorneys attending the mediation.

A party may have an attorney and may have sought legal advice. However, as in small claims court, attorneys are not permitted to directly represent parties by attending and participating in WSCAI's facillitative mediation program. Note: If a case is more complex and both parties are represented, the matter is likely better suited to what the attorneys would be familiar with as evaluative mediation, commonly known as shuttle diplomacy. Many qualified practitioners in Washington state offer private, full shuttle evaluative mediation services.

About Our Mediators

Our experienced mediators include:

  1. Lawyers with years of experience serving community associations
  2. Managers holding advanced designations from the Community Associations Institute
  3. Industry professionals who have been vetted by the WSCAI Board of Directors

Resolution Is Possible—Get Started Today!

Download the Intake Form to Begin the Mediation Process

  1. Click the button above, save the form to your desktop and rename it with your name. After you have filled out the form and saved your changes, e-mail it to or

  2. You can also call the office at 425.778.6378 to make your payment for the mediation program.

  3. The other party in the dispute will need to fill out their own separate form and pay for the service. Send them to this web address,, to find all of the material they will need to participate in your upcoming mediation.